Steven Gladstone                                                         917-886-5858

159 West 9th street                                            

Brooklyn,  N.Y. 11231                                       


Sept. 2010:                          3D production workshop, Sponsored by Panasonic

June  2006:                          Masters with Distinction in Communication Arts. N.Y.I.T.

May  1997:                          Kodak Advanced Cinematography Seminar

June  1989 :                         Graduated Brooklyn College, Bachelor of Arts, in Film Production

                                            Faculty Award for Service to the Department

Owner Gladstone Films (2000-present)

Cameraman and editor: Clients include: Dealnews, Financial Times, Stonestreet studios, AOL/WalletPOP, GOTV Networks, Galapagos Films, The Hennix Corporation, Brown Shoe,

Editing/Video Production Instructor at the Katharine Gibbs Design Center (2001-2004)

Creator and Chairperson of the Student Arts Festival, member of Curriculum Committee.

Partner Distone Productions (1997-2000)

Producer/Cameraman – independent production company.

Videographer – Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation (June 1995 - Feb. 1997)

Freelance Animation Camera Operator, Live Action Camera Assistant (1989-1995)

Worked on various productions for Broadcast Arts, EyeDesign, Woo Art, and Big Man Productions and independent projects, which included travel to: Australia, Indonesia, The Philippines, West Africa, Guatemala, Hong Kong, China, Ireland, Dominican Republic, and Spain.

Awards and Recognition:

Certificate of Recognition, Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation

Award of Distinction “Don’t take the bag” – The Communicator Awards


Of Note:

“Survivors of the Shoah”  One and a half years of video taping interviews of Holocaust

                     Survivors for the Steven Spielberg Living history Archive.

Feature Films:

“Shadowboxer”             Digital Feature Film, Directed by Vincent Zambrano and Jose Patino.

“Love Like Blood”        Digital Feature Film, Winner Best Long Island Film.   

                                    Directed by Steven Bozga, Produced by Firelane Digital.

“Under Hellgate Bridge”         Feature Film (Additional Photography). Directed by Mike Sergio.

                                              Produced by Isil Bagdadi, El train Productions.

“Overnight Success”               Digital Feature Film Produced and Directed by:

                                             Alan Prendergast, Louis Caballero, Nanci Barrie.

“Better Dayz”      Second Unit for Feature Film, Directed by Norman Linton

“Spirit”       Digital Video Feature Film, Directed by Jillian Bullock, Jaguar Productions

“Three Way Split”      Feature Film Directed by Joey Gianonne, Fortuna Films.

“Two Way Crossing”      Feature Film Directed by Terrence Sacci.

Short Films:

“Daydreamed”  Jayme Morales Director

“L’Heure Verte”      Carlos Lopez Director. (Anamorphic 24P)

“Triangle fire”        Lucky Dog Productions, Lisa Tuvalo Director (Super 16, B+W.)

“Three Minute Love Affair”    Nine Cats Productions, Nick Sakai Director (24P.)

“Immigrant Tales”        Directed by Marina Gorbunova, (Super 16.)

“Life Without Cable”      Directed by Carolyn Hepburn. (16mm.)

Baseball”       Directed by Bob Reynolds (Super16mm.)

“Not There Yet”      Directed by Joe Buckley (Super 16mm)

“Wicked, Wicked Woman”        Short Film, Gahan Haskins Director, Aguamar Productions. (16mm)

“Matters”        Short Film (B+W, Super16mm), Directed by Robert Remy,

                       Muckraker Films.

"The Fifth of July"        Short Film by Robert Remy Director.  (16mm B+W and Color)

“Joanie and Amalia      Rib Productions. Elise Marenson Director. (16mm)

“mr. jones”      Framestorming S.A. (Spain),Directed by Jose Barrio. (16mm.)

Music Videos/PSA/Commercials:

“Party Mix 2”      Commercial, Winning Media Concepts, Directed by Alex Wright

"What you Gonna Do"        Music Video. K-Class Entertainment. Directed by Dre Nok. A & D Images.

“Zywiec Beer”       Commercial, Greg Filipkowski Director. Vispol Productions,

"Thank You Braha"        Commercial, Winning Media Concepts. Directed by Alex Wright

 So Real      Music Video Ryanhill Productions. Directed by Tim Hilchey

”Black and White”      Anti-Racism P.S.A. Director – Eric Fennel, Gladstone Films and

                                  Better of Broadcast

“Don’t take the bag”      Public Service Announcement, Gladstone Films and Better Off Broadcast

"It Takes Two"       Music Video, Rob Bass & D.J Easy Rock

Documentaries/Industrials/ Experimental:

“Cornell Parade”      Cornell University.

“Broads”      Documentary, Ray Glanzmann Director/Producer

“Sundance Vignettes”      Vignettes for on Sundance, Beth Pinsker Producer.

“OCC OCC”      Experimental Film – Directed by Gary Goldberg.

“The Delivery System#1”      Video Installation by Gregory Whitehead. Produced by Location One, N.Y.

“Break”      Documentary Merci Media, Director Andrew Stone, Producer Vivek Sharma.

"Sigma -New York"        Documentary - New York Unit. Pro - Art. El Salvador.

Rain      Camera Operator on Rain Vodka Industrial, shot on location in New Orleans.   


Music Videos/PSA/Commercials:


“Party Mix 2”                     Commercial, Winning Media Concepts, Directed by Alex Wright


"What you Gonna Do"         Music Video. K-Class Entertainment. Directed by Dre Nok. A & D Images.


“Zywiec Beer”                    Commercial, Greg Filipkowski Director. Vispol Productions,


"Thank You Braha"             Commercial, Winning Media Concepts. Directed by Alex Wright


 So Real                          Music Video Ryanhill Productions. Directed by Tim Hilchey


”Black and White”              Anti-Racism P.S.A. Director – Eric Fennel, Gladstone Films and

                                          Better of Broadcast


“Don’t take the bag”           Public Service Announcement, Gladstone Films and Better Off Broadcast


"It Takes Two"                    Music Video, Rob Bass & D.J Easy Rock



Documentaries/Industrials/ Experimental:



“CE – Online”                     Online learning series, Nicky Akmal director, NYREI Client


“Cornell Parade”                 Cornell University.


“Broads”                            Documentary, Ray Glanzmann Director/Producer


“Sundance Vignettes”          Vignettes for on Sundance, Beth Pinsker Producer.


“OCC OCC”                      Experimental Film – Directed by Gary Goldberg.


“The Delivery System#1”    Video Installation by Gregory Whitehead. Produced by Location One, N.Y.


“Break”                              Documentary Merci Media, Director Andrew Stone, Producer Vivek Sharma.


"Sigma -New York"             Documentary - New York Unit. Pro - Art. El Salvador.


Rain                                Camera Operator on Rain Vodka Industrial, shot on location in New Orleans.   

Work-Travel Experience:             Australia, Indonesia, The Philippines, West Africa, Guatemala, Hong Kong, China, Russia, England, Paris, Ireland, Dominican Republic, Spain, Tangiers, Stuttgart, Czech Republic, Italy.